Tumia fomu hii kuingiza taarifa kuhusu kesi ya mteja. Step 1 of 2 – Taarifa za Msingi 0% Jina la Kwanza(Required)Your first nameJina la Ukoo(Required)Your last nameNamba ya Simu(Required)km. 0742100100Kesi Inahusu Nini(Required)This is the case title.Aina ya Ukatili(Required)KiuchumiKimwiliMengineyoUtelekezajiKingonoKisaikolojiaType of harassmentTarehe ya Kuripoti(Required) DD dot MM dot YYYY Case reported dateMaelezo ya Kesi(Required) Explain the case details. Amewahi kuripoti hii kesi hapo nyuma?(Required) Ndio (Yes) Hapana (No) Have the client ever reported this case?Uliripoti kwa nani?Samedi AmbaRhoda NashonWho did you report to?Je, anaripoti kwa niaba ya mtu mwingine?(Required) Ndio (Yes) Hapana (No) Is the client reporting on behalf of someone else?Jina la AneyewakilishwaName of the person being representedTaarifa zaidi kuhusu anyewakilishwaTell us more about the person representedIs this an SOS case? Ndio (Yes) Hapana (No) Admin Notes These are additional notes that are related to the case that can be used for later reference.